A protagonist quarrels with a wife by Masha from liver sausage, but a domestic conflict quickly outgrows in a conflict global, and then and quite grows into a farce. A wife decides that a husband bethought to suicide, and tries in every way to him to prevent, attracting both a mother and neigh bours on a communal apartment.
A man wakes up in the bridal suite on his wedding morning to find an extremely attractive naked girl in bed beside him. In the depths of a stag night hangover, he can't even remember meeting her.
Written in 1868, the play "Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man" is still relevant today, as the theme of young people trying by any means to make a career, does not age.
Svirid Golohvosty, son of a barber, tries to seem a well-educated person and a real gentleman. Having lost all his money he decides to marry a rich girl, Pronya Prokopyevna Serko.