Last weekend, on 6-7 April, the theatre presented the premiere comedy Nikolay Erdmann "Suicide". Director: Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Sergey Kurilenko Design: Aleksandr Baldakov Music: Anatoly Kandyba Nikolay Erdmann is a soviet dramatist, poet, scenario writer of the cinema. Play "Suicide" in the time of life author not printed and not put in a theatre. A protagonist quarrels with a…
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About: admin
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The premiere of the play “Small Conjugal Crimes”
Last weekend, on 23-24 March, the theatre presented the premiere of Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt play "Small Conjugal Crimes" directed by Gennady Mushpert. Director Gennady Mushpert Design Nadezhda Kasperchik Music arrangement Anatoly Kandyba The play of the French playwright Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt is written in a rare genre – the genre of a family detective. In front of your eyes actor and actress…
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The trailer for the play “451 Fahrenheit”.
New trailer for the play "451 Fahrenheit" is ready.
See it at:
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Premiere at the Theatre
Last weekend the theatre presented the premiere of Jean Cocteau's play "The Sacred Monsters" directed by Gennady Mushpert. See the photoreport. [gallery columns="6" size="large" ids="5590,5591,5592,5594,5595,5596,5597,5598,5599,5600,5601,5602"]
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Premieres at the Theatre
Last weekend, on 10-11 June, the theatre presented the premiere of two performances: a fairy tale for the youngest children "Two Marfushas" directed by Oksana Mashynkova and hilarious comedy "Chic Wedding" directed by Sergey Kurilenko. The following performances of the fairy tale will take place on 17-18 June. To witness the "Chic Wedding" will…
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New theatre play. See the photo report
Last weekend a new play appeared in the repertoire of our theatre. The first night of Gennady Mushpert's direction "Hunting for Rats" took place on June 3 and 4. The theatre production is based on the play of the Austrian playwriter Peter Turrini. The next premiere shows will be held in…
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The premiere of the play “451 Fahrenheit”.
Yesterday, the premiere of the play "451 Fahrenheit" based on the novel Rey Bradbury. Director - Gennady Muspert The artist-Nadezhda Belova [gallery link="file" columns="6" size="large" ids="4995,4996,5016,5017,4997,4998,4999,5001,5002,5003,5004,5005,5006,5007,5008,5009,5010,5011,5012,5018,5013,5014,5015,5019"]
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How we celebrated the Day of the Theater. Photo report.
Yesterday, on March, 26, we marked a professional holiday - International day of theatre merrily. As it was look at a photo. [gallery link="file" columns="6" size="large" ids="4949,4950,4952,4953,4954,4955,4958,4956,4959,4961,4962,4964,4965,4966,4967,4969,4972,4973,4974,4976,4979,4980,4981,4983"]
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“Drama – 70. Retrospective”.
Today in the foyer of the Great Hall an exhibition "Drama - 70. Retrospective" was opened, dedicated to the history of Grodno Regional Drama Theater. [gallery link="file" columns="6" size="large" ids="4895,4896,4897,4898,4899,4902,4903,4904,4906,4907,4908,4909"]
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Congratulations on March 8 at the theater
On March 8, the show "Let's get married" was held in the theater. Thus, men traditionally congratulated the beautiful ladies on the holiday. [gallery link="file" columns="6" size="large" ids="4877,4878,4879,4880,4883,4884,4885,4886,4888,4889,4890,4891,4892"]
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